Essential Feed Additive

Essential feed additive is a combination of two functional oils: castor oil and cashew nut shell liquid. The active components are ricinoleic acid, cardol, and cardanol. Ricinoleic acid comes from castor oil, while cardol and cardanol come from cashew nut shell liquid. Vermiculite (silica) is used as a carrier for the two oils in the dry (powder) product.

Essential has the following effects:
ANTIMICROBIAL:  Effective Against Gram-Positive Bacteria and Protozoa
ANTIOXIDANT: Decreases Free Radicals and Helps Cellular Growth
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY: Down-Regulates EP-3 Receptors


For a spec sheet, email us at

Read about how these two functional oils (castor oil and cashew nut shell liquid) serve as an alternative to antibiotics:

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